Thursday, May 20, 2010

I did a survey on what you thought illegals cost this nation every year.?

The results i got were any where from 10 to 15 billion yes i said BILLION a year.

Did anyone catch the CBS news this morning? The story of what slackers in america cost us yearly. These are our hard working americans. CBS estimated that slackers cost this nation some where around $750 Billion a year in lost productivity. Compared to a measly 15 Billion illegals cost us....Dont you think America needs to get back to work instead of sitting in front of their computers answering questions in Yahoo complaining about illegals comming into this nation taking our jobs and robbing us blind.?

The story can be found on CBS news web sight in The sunday morning news section.

I did a survey on what you thought illegals cost this nation every year.?
Tex what say you , a whopping 42 percent of births to immigrants arrived from mothers that crossed our borders illegally with the single goal of becoming an ‘anchor baby mother’. Once here, it’s a free 18 year welfare ride for that mother and baby. These are illiterate Third World mothers who, like birds to a feeder, know a good deal when they see or hear about it.
Reply:There are three kinds of people that work for a company.

There are those who arrive late, overstay breaks and lunch, leave early if not supervised.

No one needs these.

There are those who arrive early, may not take breaks or lunch, never leave early, always finish a task.

A company will never keep these people. They will own their own business one day.

There are those who never arrive late, take their allotted breaks and lunch, and always leave on time. They perform any task given to them.

A company cannot do without these people. They are the backbone of any company.

Unfortunately, slackers do not even think of it as theft. Of time.

Most of these feel justified in thinking that they are underpaid, and go so far as to "steal", even minor things.

Businesses know this, and just as "shop lifting" is considered an operating expense, so is it with slackers.

In too many cases, 50% efficiency is considered good, by employers.

I'm afraid that our schools are of like mind.

Big news? Hell, old as the hills.'s Sunday and people who have worked hard all their lives usually have earned the right to sit in front of the computers on Sunday. Plus, I've said before and I'll say again, my job entails me planting my *** in front of the computer.
Reply:could it be a redneck with a brain.....?
Reply:yeah, what Zoe H said
Reply:So you think your survey of what we 'think' illegals cost is a reliable #? As if any of us actually know. This defines 'junk science'.
Reply:Surveying "Little Mexico" doesn't count...


When will you dumb***'s realize the media is owned by left-wingers?


You say what? ohhhh... ya.. you came yesterday...I see... well, now you know.
Reply:I saw that. Good point.
Reply:So we should just let them continue to break the law right? Your logic is severely flawed.
Reply:Although both polls showed the cost a particular group has. One is shown under the light of immorality and the other was shown under the light of illegality AND immorality. In other words, just because you have come to the conclusion that there is a poor work ethic in America does not lend any credence to the fact that some people are breaking the law, and it does not excuse those from the law and Americas right to punish them.
Reply:so your saying that the congressional study of illegals costing 1/2 a trillion a year in rising and would have to pay $25,000 each in taxes alone to break even are picked up by...who if this is the illegals?

Or are you saying the people who came here legally are a good portion of that since they are citizens now?

Or are you saying that the industries with depressed wages are saving at least that much by not hiring Americans?

Or are you saying that $750 billion a year is what percent of how much money people make in a year, keeping in mind we have trillions in our national budget which means people make trillions more than that?
Reply:I've worked ever since I left high school, does that make me a 'slacker'? Furthermore, illegal immigration doesn't have to cost anything to be wrong. Also, the cost to the United States if measured in terms of net drain on our economy, not just state costs like free healthcare, but revenue outflows, Mexico's into us for about 120-150 billion a year. Also, if you're so concerned about 'slackers', then let's get more americans 'doing the jobs that americans won't do' and stop handing out welfare checks, eh? Print it, and they will come...


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