Sunday, November 15, 2009

Survey on the image and popularity of theatres.?

Hi I am a business administration student from germany. This semester we have to do a survey on the image and popularity of the local theatre. Unfortunatly we can't find any literature on the web. Does anybody has experience in this field or can tell me where to find a former survey, article or anything else on this topic ?

Survey on the image and popularity of theatres.?
What kind of theater? Movie theaters? He is an article, with stats...

there are a bunch of stats and papers on movie theaters... have you tried your college library database? I know their are published works. I was working on an assistantship with one of my professors who was trying to publish his paper on movie theater attendance and movie theater goers.

Best of luck!
Reply:All I can say, friend, is to "google it".

Theaters is how I write the British spelling of "--re", which is a curious form of stupidity I think on the part of the British, just as the French have the stupidity of calling Havre "Hav-er", I just call it "Hav-ruh" like I call our former Green Bay Packer football quarterback Bret Favre "Bert Fav-ruh").

I can only tell you that MOST people in our United States of America today do NOT know what the old movie theaters of the 1950s and before were like! Today's people in our country only know the stucco cereal box type theaters of the 1970s and later!

The glamorous nature of going to a theater to see a movie during the week or on a weekend is GONE! They were so luxurious once! No longer do news-reels have any relevance when a computer can bring up more news media information in one minute than an hour and a half of celluloid news reels of the past! It was so different then!

All I can say is, think up different categories and ways of asking in short sentence fragments, and "google it" ! ! ! ! And good luck friend!

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